A friend of mine celebrated his sixtieth wedding anniversary last week and he talked warmly about the way his life has been transformed because of the relationship he has developed with his wife. Initially, his diet changed, his spending habits changed, his sleeping habits changed, and his sense of fashion changed. All these changes were remarkable, but over the longer term, he has seen many more significant changes in his inner-self. He felt different about himself and the way he interacted with the world. His relationships with other people changed, he became less aggressive and less anxious, more accepting and more loving.
Actor Peter Scolari said this about marriage, “The reality of getting married, it really changed things into something beautiful. There was transformation.” If a marriage relationship brings about transformation, then how much more does a relationship with the God of the universe?
This week we look at the transformation that happens in one unlikely man’s life after Jesus personally invites him to become one of his disciples.
Tune in as we unpack the fourth line of our new national vision statement, “Transforming Australia one life at a time.”
This series was developed by the newly formed National Office of the Salvation Army in Australia. As we merge two separate entities in Australia it was necessary for The Salvation Army to revisit and reinforce it's core vision. This series of messages was developed for that purpose.