Rebecca Inglis - August 16, 2020

God is For You

Most parents of babies would recognise these symptoms: increased clinginess, crying when you leave a room (even for a short period of time), resistance to being put down to bed and increased nighttime wake-ups. When Grandma says, “Let me hold my grandson!” you hand the baby over only to have them start screaming and turning back to you. It’s called separation anxiety. Leaving your baby is never easy, but it’s especially brutal if they scream and cling to you whenever you head out. Separation anxiety is a normal part of development. On the one hand, you’re delighted that your baby misses you (even from a couple of metres away). On the other hand, what if you’re never able to leave the house for the next 18 years without your child crying? An early childhood expert, when I was experiencing separation anxiety with my kids, told me that though you can’t necessarily prevent separation anxiety. But, one thing that helped was games like peekaboo. This classic game helps babies realise that things that go away, do come back. Still, it’s the not knowing how long you’ll be gone for, or if you’ll come back, that affects a baby’s sense of security and makes them feel vulnerable. When babies learn that when they can’t see their parents, they still exist, love them and will be back for them, that security relieves their fears. This principle plays out for all of us. If we are not secure in who we are, and what we are about, we act out of a sense of fear, rather than a sense of love. Insecurity is debilitating, but Paul in Romans 8 argues that Jesus died and rose and intercedes for us so we can live confident, secure lives - not based on whether we or others think we succeed, but based on a God who has made us right. We don’t need to fear life or death, things past, present or things to come, because Jesus loves us. This is not a promise with strings attached - “If you do this, God will do that” - this security is an established fact. Paul’s words at the end of Romans 8 declare an unshaken confidence in the faithfulness and power of God to finish the work he started in the lives of his people. Join us this week as we celebrate a promise that has been a source of hope and strength to countless generations of believers—the promise that nothing can ever separate us from the love of God.

Scripture References: Romans 8:1-39

From Series: "Becoming Love"

God is Love. Holiness is about growing into who God has called us to be. Becoming love is about living more and more with a heart and character that reflects God's love for us and for people. Join us for this series as we explore the letter to the Romans to understand more about who God is, who we are called to be, and how we make sure we are on track to becoming love just like God is love.

Discussion Sheet - God is For You

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