Phil Inglis - November 24, 2019
How To Save A Soul
Scripture References: John 3:16-18, Romans 10:9-10
From Series: "Salvation"
What does it mean to "Save a Soul?" What is Salvation?
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CloseWhen it came to photography, Eastman-Kodak (generally known as Kodak) was a household name. They produced a huge array of film products for use in everything from blockbuster film productions to domestic photography. They were one of the largest companies in the USA but in 2012 they filed for bankruptcy. The common reason given is that Kodak completely failed to take into account a world in which digital photography would replace film-based photography so quickly. This is extremely baffling because engineers at Kodak developed the worlds first digital camera in 1975. The sad truth is that the people at Kodak were confused about their target, their goal. They believed that they existed to sell film, chemicals and equipment to people. What they should have remembered is their own advertising slogan. Kodak was all about the ‘Kodak Moment’. Instead of existing to sell film and things they existed to help people to take photos of the memorable events in their lives. Instead of focussing on the goal (photographing memories), they shifted focus to the method (selling cameras & film) and the company failed dramatically. In the past 8 years preachers, teachers and leaders have told this story over and over again to warn people to keep the main thing the main thing. To be very, very careful about making sure your activity is actually going to get you to where you are called to be. For us, The Salvation Army, the big main goal is in our name: Salvation. We exist to see salvation come. We exist to see salvation come to people, partners, families, communities, cities, nations and our planet. That’s it. But what does it look like? What is salvation?
Scripture References: John 3:16-18, Romans 10:9-10
Related Topics: Assurance, Christmas, Evangelism | More Messages from Phil Inglis | Download Audio
What does it mean to "Save a Soul?" What is Salvation?