I grew up in a fairly stable, middle class home. I went to Sunday school and church services every week where I was taught that the mission of the Salvation Army was to serve those suffering hardship or injustice. However, despite all the lessons, all the sermons and all the meetings, it wasn’t until I actually got involved in Red Shield Summer Camps that I learned how to live, love and fight for people.
Red Shield Camps were the most powerful experiences in my youth. The primary responsibility of a camp leader is to love kids who have suffered hardship and injustice. Kids were shown love by making sure they had everything they needed and by giving them an amazing week of excitement and adventure. Primarily however, we tried to give them self confidence, dignity and a sense of self worth. We taught them that they are just as valuable to God as anyone who ever lived. For a week, we lived with them, loved them and fought for their right to live on the same level as anyone else.
This series was developed by the newly formed National Office of the Salvation Army in Australia. As we merge two separate entities in Australia it was necessary for The Salvation Army to revisit and reinforce it's core vision. This series of messages was developed for that purpose.