I say I love a lot of things. I love coffee, I love my husband, I love the beach, I love my kids, I love eating, I love walking and I love the local church. Love has become a very basic way to describe how we feel about something or someone. The problem is, while I ‘love’ burgers, I wouldn’t lay down my life for them like I would for my kids. It’s not the same thing. Real love doesn’t mean the warm, fuzzy feelings we get when we enjoy something. It’s not simply about our belongings, places or people that bring us delight in life. Real love is about commitment, steadfastness and being faithful no matter the cost. Real love is often very, very hard.
The Salvos national vision to ‘transform Australia one life at a time, with the love of Jesus’ is a radical statement. The ‘love of Jesus’ is not easy. The love of Jesus meant he drew near and engaged with people in a way that transformed them. He healed and restored them to their communities; he forgave them; he set them free from their addictions; he treated them with dignity and significance. He challenged the religious and political authorities. He gave up his life for the sake of others – for us. This is what real love is all about.
Tune in as we explore the final part of our National Vision, and consider some practical ways to continue living out this vision at Wollongong Salvos.
This series was developed by the newly formed National Office of the Salvation Army in Australia. As we merge two separate entities in Australia it was necessary for The Salvation Army to revisit and reinforce it's core vision. This series of messages was developed for that purpose.