A blind and deaf author by the name of Helen Keller once said, “The most pathetic person in the world is some one who has sight but no vision.” Many people go around the world with total ability to see but they have a severely limited picture of the future. One of the reasons why people take their own lives is that they lose all hope. They can no longer see any positive reason for continuing to live. It is no surprise that in one translation of the bible Proverbs 29:18 is translated “Without vision, the people perish."
In some ways Churches, organisations, clubs and companies are just like people. If all the people in a particular organisation can no longer see a positive view of the future, then those people will go their separate ways and that organisation will cease to exist. The effort that goes into getting along and working together in that organisation will overwhelm the hope that something good will come out of what the organisation is trying to achieve.
Over time, without continued reminding and refreshing, visions we have for the future begin to fade. They lose colour and lustre and begin to simply become part of the furniture of our lives. They can loose their effectiveness for generating hope. We in The Salvation Army have served Australia for over 100 years and now we have the opportunity to be refreshed and renewed. We have a new expression of vision driving new structures, missions, creativity and enthusiasm.
This is the beginning of a new message series unpacking this vision and revealing the heart of God behind all of it.
This series was developed by the newly formed National Office of the Salvation Army in Australia. As we merge two separate entities in Australia it was necessary for The Salvation Army to revisit and reinforce it's core vision. This series of messages was developed for that purpose.