Phil Inglis - March 1, 2020


For decades now Christians all over the world have used the acronym WWJD to help them figure out what to do in any particular situation. The acronym stands for What Would Jesus Do? Originally the phrase was used by church members in Charles Sheldon’s novel, "In His Steps." Since then it has since been used by many Christians and it has been written on things like mugs, shirts, caps and rubber bracelets. The idea is that whenever you are faced with a difficult decision or situation you should stop for a second and imagine what Jesus might do if he was in your position. This little exercise can be very helpful, but what if the most effective move we can make is to undo something rather than do something? There are times when when we need to ask ourselves what would Jesus UNdo in our lives? What negative attitudes and approaches to life have twisted our decision making ability and drawn us away from what’s best? Each Sunday over the next four weeks at Wollongong Salvos we are going to examine attitudes that can creep into our lives and ruin relationships, businesses, ministries and our overall wellbeing. This week we begin with the letter to the church in Laodicea found in the book of Revelation. This message is a warning that since they are neither hot nor cold, God is about to spit them out of his mouth. They seem to be doing well, they are wealthy and seem happy, but, shame has oozed its way into their lives and in reality they are wretched, poor, blind and naked. As a result, instead of refreshment and fulfilment, their lives have a lukewarm indifference that isn't worth spit. Join us this Sunday at 10am as we seek God’s wisdom in UNdoing lukewarm indifference so that we can have lives that are more refreshing.

Scripture References: Revelation 3:15-16

From Series: "What Would Jesus UNdo?"

We have all heard the useful phrase "What Would Jesus Do?" But perhaps we need to ask "What Would Jesus Undo?"

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